
On this page
  1. Origin and meaning
  2. Pronunciation
  3. Everly's luck prospects
  4. Personality traits of name Everly
  5. Name letters analysis
  6. Astrology of name Everly
  7. Numerology of name Everly
  8. Name popularity
  9. Name Everly in sign language
  10. Everly's name color

Origin and meaning

Name: Everly (ev-er-ly)

Gender: Female

Popularity in 2023: #49

Origin: English
Meaning: From The Boar Meadow

Origin and Meaning: Everly is an English name derived from the Old English words "eofor" meaning "boar" and "leah" meaning "clearing".

Etymology: The name Everly is derived from the Old English words "eofor" and "leah".

Derived: The name Everly is derived from the Old English words "eofor" and "leah".

History of Name: The name Everly first appeared in the late 19th century in the United States. It is believed to have been derived from the Old English words "eofor" and "leah".

Style of the Name: Everly is a modern, unisex name that is both strong and sweet.

Symbolism of the Name: The name Everly is associated with strength, courage, and resilience. It is also associated with the beauty of nature and the joy of life.


Say: 🔊
IPA: /ˌɛvɚlˈa͡ɪ/
Syllables: ev-er-ly

Everly's luck prospects


Personality traits of name Everly

  • Artistic
  • Vital
  • Moderate
  • Well-read
  • Harmonious
  • Quarrelsome
  • Unprincipled


Everly is very sociable, easily makes new acquaintances. There are always many devoted friends nearby, to whom she reciprocates. She trusts her secrets only to those closest to her.

Sometimes she shows too high demands on potential friends. If you learn to treat others less demandingly, you will be able to find many more loyal and faithful friends who are ready to make great sacrifices for her sake.


Incredibly charming, so she never lacks male attention. Able to conquer a man literally at first sight. The choice of a spouse is approached with great responsibility.

As a rule, one falls in love once and for life. She loves sincerely, strongly and selflessly. But she wants the same relationship from the man. Only a strong and self-sufficient man will be able to make her a worthy couple.

In order to become happy in a relationship, when choosing a life partner, Everly should be guided not only by the mind, but also by feelings.


The characteristic of the name Everly allows its owner to be successful with men. Perhaps, that is why she is late in tying the knot. She chooses her husband carefully, possessing not only an attractive appearance, but also the corresponding human qualities. Moreover, her financial condition does not worry her too much. She appreciates trust and care, and tries to repay her spouse with the same.

Everly is a good hostess, but prefers not to visit someone, but to receive close people. So she can be confident in the quality of products and cooking, since she has been very serious about food since childhood. Men consider her economical, as well as maternal qualities. But despite her great love for children, she finds the strength to raise them strictly and demandingly.


For Everly, material well-being is extremely important. The girl knows how to plan her finances and save for the "black day", trying to live within her means. But you can't call her stingy - she knows how to spend money wisely.


Everly is a fairly healthy person. But if problems pile up on her at once, she can be subjected to stress, depression, nervous and mental diseases. Her weak point is the gastrointestinal tract.

Astrology of name Everly

Zodiac sign: Cancer
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Moon

Lucky metal: Bronze

Lucky gemstones: 

Pitambari NeelamPitambari Neelam
Pink SapphirePink Sapphire
Grey SapphireGrey Sapphire

Lucky colors: Azure

Totem pet: Cockatiel
Totem animal: Swan
Totem plant: Petunia
Totem tree: Catalpa

Lucky weekday: Thursday
Favorable month: April
Lucky numbers: 3, 10, 26
Lucky days of the month: 6, 12, 27
Unlucky number: 35

Hobbies: skiing, making dolls, collecting

Careers: Sports, Agriculture, History

Health issues: Digestive related problems

Letters count: 6

Numerology of name Everly

Everly's name number: 6

Name popularity


Raw data


Name Everly in sign language


Everly's name color


Other names
Everleigh,  Everett,  Evelynn,  Everly,  Evie,  Ezekiel,  Ezequiel